Failure to control the release of hazardous energy, while servicing and maintaining equipment has the potential to cause some of the most severe injuries in our workplaces today. This training program was designed to ensure employees, managers and supervisors understand that hazards associated with uncontrolled energy sources and will learn how to practice methods of controlling energy through the use of a lockout program.
Other Services:
What You’ll Learn
You will learn how to identify and isolate all energy sources, verify isolation and safely re-energize the equipment.
Who Should Attend?
All employees, Maintenance Personnel, Supervisors, Machine and Equipment Operators.
Topics included but not limited to:
- Legislation Requirements
- Purpose of Lockout/Tagout
- Understanding Applicable Energy Source
- Methods of Obtaining Zero Energy State
- Workers Rights under the OHSA
- When Lockout/Tagout is Required
- Potential Hazards
- Lockout Devices
- Lockout/Tagout Procedures
Delivery Options
In-class or Blended (Online + In-class)
On a successful Written and Practical Assessment, the participant will be provided with a Wallet Card with a validity of 3 years.