Federal Health and Safety Representative Training

STS Group’s Health and Safety Representative training program helps to make effective recommendations to management through knowledge, inspection, and communication.


STS Group’s Health and Safety Representative training is a half-day, instructor led course which is designed to provide workers of federally-regulated companies with the necessary tools and skills required to make effective recommendations to management through knowledge, inspection, and communication.


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What You'll Learn
Who Attends?
Delivery Options

What You’ll Learn

Participants will learn how to complete a comprehensive risk assessment and use that knowledge and provide recommend to the employer to improve the wellbeing of the workers at the worksite.

Who Should Attend?

Workers, supervisors, managers who are or be acting as a safety representative of federally regulated companies including the federal government, broadcasting, telecommunications, railways, banks, airport transportation, ship yards, and transportation companies.


  • Rights, duties and responsibilities of the workplace parties;
  • Duties and responsibilities of the Health and Safety Representative under CLC Part II;
  • Common workplace hazards;
  • Hazard recognition, assessment, control, and evaluation (RACE methodology) of hazard controls;
  • Resolving workplace issues, including work refusals
  • Health and safety resources available to the workplace parties.
  • In addition to a basic HSR training program, HSRs should take sector specific health and safety training to address hazards that are specific to their workplaces

Delivery Options

In-class or Blended (Online + In-class)

On a successful Written and Practical Assessment, the participant will be provided with a Wallet Card and a Wall Certificate.